According to PAS Field Trip leader Luke Tiller here are some of the migrating birds that will be arriving in Southern California during April and May. Get outside and see how many you can find!
Black-chinned Sparrow Black-throated Gray Warbler Blue Grosbeak Cassin's Vireo Elegant Tern Gray Flycatcher Green-tailed Towhee Hermit Warbler Lawrence's Goldfinch Lazuli Bunting Least Tern MacGillivray's Warbler Vaux's Swift Western Tanager Western Wood-Pewee
According to PAS Field Trip leader Luke Tiller here are some of the migrating birds that will be arriving in Southern California during April and May. Get outside and see how many you can find!
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Learn more about these birds of April and May...
Black-chinned Sparrow
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Blue Grosbeak
Cassin's Vireo
Elegant Tern
Gray Flycatcher
Green-tailed Towhee
Hermit Warbler
Lawrence's Goldfinch
Lazuli Bunting
Least Tern
MacGillivray's Warbler
Vaux's Swift
Western Tanager
Western Wood-Pewee