How Many Deaths of Our Local Birds Are by Window Collisions?

We need your help. We know that hundreds of millions of birds die each year in North America by colliding with windows. While we don't know how many birds die this way in our local area, we're trying to find out. Once we get enough information we can put together a program to address when, where, and why the deaths occur and provide specific solutions.

That's where you can help. There is a very easy-to-use online tool called, for anyone to report window collisions and other bird deaths or injuries. Just go to and follow the simple steps. If you take a photo of the bird it’s easy to attach, and very helpful, especially if you don’t know the species (we’ll fill it in). While you may add your name and e-mail information at the end, it is not essential, just hit “Submit”. The whole process will only take a minute or two.

We need as many reports as possible to help our team focus on preventable deaths. We also need additional volunteers to help analyze the data and canvas locations or types of buildings which appear to be most responsible.

If is not convenient for you, or you'd like to help with our activities, please call or text Dave Weeshoff at 818-618-1652 or email to report any bird window collisions and we'll do the reporting. Remember, it may occur at a residence, condo complex, commercial building or high-rise. We can offer advice regarding dead or injured birds and window collision prevention while collecting data to enlighten our conservation and advocacy activities.