July 20: Summertime Blue(s) Ridge

Saturday, July 20, 2024
7:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Trip Leader: Luke Tiller

Escape the heat of summer as we head to Wrightwood at the east end of the San Gabriels. We will explore the picturesque East Blue Ridge Road and Blue Ridge campground and check feeders at Grassy Hollow.

Targets will be higher elevation specialties like White-headed Woodpecker, Clark’s Nutcracker, Green-tailed Towhee and Dusky Flycatcher as well as sparrows including Black-chinned, Bell’s and Brewer’s. We will also keep our eyes open for butterflies including the rare and highly localized Veined Blue.

A high clearance vehicle can be helpful for this trip.

Participant number: 30, determined by lottery. Sign up before Tuesday, July 16, at 6 PM.

Trip details such as meeting location will be emailed to signed-up participants before the trip.

Photo: Townsend's Solitare (Myadestes townsendi) by Luke Tiller.

Sign up here