November 23: Legg Lake

Saturday, November 23, 2024
7:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Leaders: Darren Dowell, John Rodgers

(This site is good enough to schedule two trips in one month!) Join us for a relaxed bird walk through the inviting habitat at Legg Lake in South El Monte. We’ll focus on wintering songbirds (hoping to find some “goodies” for the upcoming CBC), and for sure we’ll spend time looking through the trees, expansive lawns, densely-vegetated lake edges, and weedy patches for those. But Legg Lake has more to offer, including newly-arrived migratory ducks, near certain views of Common Gallinule and Vermilion Flycatcher, a chance to hear the resident Least Bitterns, and a mixed blackbird flock always interesting to look through. We’ll be birding the main park routes, covering about 2 miles on dirt trails and lawns (sometimes thick and/or wet).

Participant number: No Limit

Trip details such as meeting location will be emailed to signed-up participants 3-5 days before the trip.

PHOTO: Common Gallinule (Gallinula galeata). Photo by Chris Spurgeon.

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