Ashwin Sivakumar

Advocacy & Conservation
As a lifelong birder with a passion for wildlife and habitat conservation, he likes to share his love of nature with others by leading nature walks and showing others how to identify birds. He founded the NativeBiota Project that has sponsored several bird-friendly initiatives. He has conducted bioblitzes during the pandemic to safely connect others to nature. Recently, over 600 contributors participated as observers or identifiers in a bioblitz cataloging 14,000+ observations spanning 2800+ animal and plant species in iNaturalist, a citizen science database, for a region where biodiversity was not well documented.
He is also a scientific researcher who has studied endangered California Condor habitats and how they have shifted due to climate change. He is a published author with papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has written for the Birding magazine. As a member and co-chair of the PAS Advocacy Committee, Ashwin is leading the bird-friendly-street-trees initiative. When he isn't watching birds or studying them, Ashwin enjoys writing, gardening with native plants, playing jazz on his trumpet, and fencing.
Check out Ashwin’s website on bird friendly plants,