Advice for Field Trip Participants
- PAS Field Trips will only be available by email reservation and a waiver form will need to be completed during the signup process.
- Some field trips may be limited to approximately 10 participants per leader, with some variation depending on the trip. When possible, we will put additional people signing up on a waitlist.
- PAS Trip leaders often have spotting scopes available to use during trips. If you are uncomfortable using a shared scope, please feel free to bring your own or to limit yourself to the use of your personal binoculars.
- If you are unable to make an event, please inform the trip leaders as soon as possible so that we can offer the spot to someone on the wait list.
- If you have had any sign of COVID-19 symptoms, or have come into contact with anyone who has tested positive within the last 14 days, please do not attend the event. If you have had COVID-19 please do not attend an event until at least 10 days since symptoms first appearedĀ and 24 hours have passed with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medicationsĀ and other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving.
- During this period of heightened health awareness, we ask that anyone with active symptoms of any communicable disease (even a common cold) do not participate in the trip.
Advice for Field Trip Participants