Upcoming Field Trips

The quickest way to find out about upcoming trips and registration details is via our member's eblast (these will likely come out in the last week of month prior to the trip). If you have not already signed up for our eblasts sign up here.

NOTE: The Eaton Canyon field trips have been suspended. Learn more.

Sign up and confirmation notes:

If the Google sign-up form for the trip you want to go on doesn't work the first time, try reloading the web page or restarting your browser, then try again.

If it's less than 3 days before a trip that you signed up for, and you think you should have gotten a message but haven't, try looking for it (carefully) in your spam/junk folder.

If these suggestions didn't help solve the issue, please contact us at fieldtrips@pasadenaaudubon.org .

NOTE: The Eaton Canyon field trips have been suspended. Learn more.

March 5: Midweek Nice and Easy Birding Group: Huntington Central Park East

Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 8:00 AM - noon
Trip leader: Ed Stonick

Explore this beautiful green space with wooded areas, a lake, and even a secret garden! Plenty of warblers and waterfowl can be seen here.
We will start in the parking lot at the north end of the park on Slater Ave., just east (left turn) from Goldenwest Avenue.

Participant number: No Limit

PHOTO: Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus). Photo by Chris Spurgeon

Sign up here.

March 9: Los Angeles Arboretum Monthly Bird Walk

Sunday, March 9, 2025

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Trip Leader: Katy Mann

We are excited to partner with the Los Angeles County Arboretum to offer free monthly bird walks to PAS members. Please note that due to new rules implemented by LA Arboretum these trips will only be open to current PAS members (and not friends of members as in past years). In other words all persons attending must be current Pasadena Audubon members -- either on their own, or as part of a PAS family membership.

Not a PAS member? Join here!

This field trip is offered by reservation only. To reserve a spot go to https://www.arboretum.org/events/bird-walk-with-pasadena-audubon-8/. Registration is scheduled to open at 9 AM on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT REGISTERING FOR THE ARBORETUM WALK: Evidently when the monthly Arboretum walk has reached capacity, the sign-up form stops functioning correctly. This issue is beyond our control. If in doubt, sign up early!

PHOTO: Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) by Luke Tiller.

March 19: Midweek Nice and Easy Birding Group - Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area

Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 8:00 AM - noon
Trip leader: Ed Stonick

Take a tour of this parkland at the eastern edge of the Pasadena Audubon Christmas Bird Count circle. Mid-March is definitely not too early to see
some migratory birds moving north through the foothills.
We will start in the park at the parking lot at the east end of the lake. Just go straight after passing the entrance booth.

Participant number: No Limit

PHOTO: Vermillion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus obscurus). Photo by Chris Spurgeon

Sign up here.

March 22: Huntington Library

Saturday, March 22, 2025
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Trip Leader: Mark Hunter

This is a great walk for beginning birders and families, with easy walking and a nice variety of species present year round.

Please note that due to rules implemented by The Huntington these trips will only be open to current PAS members. You must be a Pasadena Audubon member to attend this trip! After you sign up for the field trip, you will receive an email acknowledging your signup. The acknowledgment email is not a guarantee of a spot! PAS will process signups in the order that they are received, verifying your membership status. The trip leader will contact you after signups are closed, informing you whether you have confirmed spots or are on the wait list. Not yet a member? You can sign up for PAS membership here.

If you have a Huntington membership that allows you to enter the gardens at 8:00 on weekends, please consider making a reservation using your Huntington membership, thereby freeing up spots for PAS members who are not Huntington members.

Photo: California Towhee (Melozone crissalis) by Chris Spurgeon

Field Trip General Notes

This field trip is offered by reservation only. If you miss out on the initial places you will be added to a waitlist and will be emailed by the trip leaders if a place opens up. If you are unable to attend a booked trip please email the trip leader and allow them to make your space available to someone on the wait list.

Sign up!

March 22: Beginner Birding at Hahamongna Watershed Park

Saturday, March 22, 2025, 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Trip leaders: Jeff and Leeann Hale

Are you looking for a new hobby, or perhaps wanting to dive deeper into birding? Looking to bird with like-minded bird/nature enthusiasts who enjoy spending a beautiful day outside enjoying the beauty of our world?

Join us for a beginner-friendly bird walk through Hahamongna Watershed Park! We will be meeting at the Hahamongna sports field parking lot, and heading into the oak grove path, as we spot local birds and share tips for
identifying species. We will have a few pairs of binoculars available to borrow. Anyone can sign up, no membership is required. We look forward to a great morning birding with you!

Participant number: No Limit

PHOTO: Lesser Goldfinch (Spinus psaltria). Photo by Chris Spurgeon

To join this bird walk, please sign up here.

March 23: Coastal Birding Trek

Sunday, March 23rd, 2025, 9 AM - 1 PM
Marina Del Rey and Ballona complex Area.

We will visit Centinela Creek, Marina Jettie, Playa Del Rey, and Ballona Lagoon in search of coastal waterfowl and shorebirds. Bring a bag lunch for a park picnic on the water.

Parking is a premium on the westside, so carpooling is encouraged. Full details to follow.

Participant number: No Limit

PHOTO: Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens). Photo by Chris Spurgeon

To join this bird walk, please sign up here.